Friday, May 8, 2009

Indicted ex-Vernon official gets $500,000 annual pension

The L.A. Times reports:
For years, Bruce Malkenhorst Sr. reigned as the highest-paid city official in California, riding in limousines and making more than half a million dollars a year as city administrator for the tiny industrial town of Vernon.

Then the 74-year-old was charged with embezzling public funds.

But Malkenhorst still sits at the top -- this time as the retiree collecting the most money from the state's public employee pension fund. Malkenhorst draws about $500,000 a year in state pension benefits, even as he awaits a trial.

According to figures released this week under a public records request by the California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility, the former Vernon administrator tops a list of about 4,800 retirees who get more than $100,000 a year from CalPERS.