Sunday, February 6, 2011

NY Air Traffic Control Mgr. Alleges Union Workers Watch Movies, Text During Work

The Blaze has this story from the New York Post:
The feds are investigating charges that New York air-traffic controllers endanger passengers by working just three hours per shift and acting like slackers -- chatting, texting and even watching movies when they should be monitoring planes, The Post has learned.

At times, so few are at their posts that a single controller must do the job of two or three and track 15 aircraft simultaneously, which is too many, according to allegations filed by a supervisor.

Evan Seeley, a frontline manager at the New York Air Route Traffic Control Center in Ronkonkoma, LI, fired off complaints last month to the Federal Aviation Administration and the Office of Special Counsel, a federal agency that probes whistleblower claims. The Post obtained copies.